Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Broadway In New York

Wicked is the Story of Elphaba the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch. It shows there relationship and how they were changed into good and evil before Dorothy came along.  The New York City Theatre average customer review is 4.8 out of 5 stars.  I believe that this scoring was about accurate. I left like the play was written very well with fluidity. The scenery was great along with the music. The actors were great at singing, dancing, and acting. They each depicted the characters with such pizzazz to make it believable to happen before Dorothy came into the picture.

Chicago is about nightclub sensation Velma Kelley, but when she shoots her cheating husband she ends up in Chicago's murderess row. She gets one of the cities most famous lawyers Billy Flynn and has one of the towns most talked about case. Roxie Heart is excited about fortune and fame and wants to sing her way to stardom. When Roxie's abuse lover tries to walk out on her which means losing her ticket to stardom she kills him landing herself in prison as well. Roxie's case with Billy Flynn makes her a star making Velma jealous. Tensions maximize as the two will do anything to be a bigger star than the other. The New York Theatre average customer review is a 3.7 out of 5.

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