Friday, January 21, 2011

Musicals on Film

Funny Girl is a musical following the life of comedian Fannie Brice (Barbra Streisand) and her path to stardom. Starting in the Jewish slums in the lower east side of New York to the peak of her career with the Ziegfeld Follies. Following her marriage and later divorce with husband ,Nick Arnstein, a gambler. 

Online on Rotten Tomatoes the average audience rating is 3.7 from five people. The average critic rating is 7.6 out of ten people.   I think that these ratings were very low for this movie. Even though this is one of Barbra Streisand's early work I feel like she did a spectacular job as always. Not only was she a great singer but she also did a wonderful dancing and acting job. It is an older movie from the late 60s, some of the events that occur and the mannerisms aren't as relevant today as they were back then. It is definitely a must see musical. 

Gypsy is a musical about the life of stripper Gypsy Rose Lee and her controlling mother. It shows their path from childhood as her mother tries to get Gypsy and her sister into showbiz no matter what it takes. Her mother's battle of having one run away daughter and loosing her fiance due to her obsession with making it big in the industry. Due to having a lack of money Gypsy ends up getting a break as a burlesque showgirl and her career goes up from there.

On Rotten Tomatoes the critics average rating is 6.2 from ten people. I felt like this rating was pretty accurate. It was a good movie but i felt like there are other movies out there are better made. Other musicals have more fluidity within the story lines.  Bette Midler did i fabulous acting job of course     and played well as the crazy controlling mother she was supposed to be. She continued to surprise me with everything she did from scene to scene.

Funny Lady is the sequel to musical Funny Girl. Its about the later career of comedian Fannie Brice. Its shows her new relationship with showman Billy Rose and complications due to her ex-husband Nick Arnstein popping up in her new life again.

On Rotten Tomatoes the critics average rating is 4.4 from ten people. The average audience rating is a 3.2 from five people. I felt that the rating's are about accurate to this film. Even though this is the sequel to Funny Girl I had high expectations due to the fact that it is still staring Barbra Streisand. I felt that between Funny Girl and Funny Lady her character as Fannie Brice changed a lot. In Funny Girl I felt she was down to earth due to her stardom just budding. In my opinion in Funny Lady she could have been more down to earth rather than looking down upon people because she has been in a similar place before.

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